Saturday, April 23, 2016
Monday, March 14, 2016
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Monday, March 7, 2016
Monday, February 29, 2016
Deriche's Edge Detector : Advanced Image Processing
The approach is to approximate the Gaussian filters by recursive filters, which effectively allows the filtering to be done with a fixed number of coefficients regardless of the standard deviation of the Gaussian.
This has been done by Prof. Deriche using a sum of one causal and one anti-causal filter.
The Gaussian filter is very compute-intensive, as the number of operations per output pixel grows proportionally with .
The Gaussian filter is very compute-intensive, as the number of operations per output pixel grows proportionally with .
However, the IIR Gaussian filter and its derivatives recursively solve a difference equation which is independent of, so the number of operations per output pixel are fixed and not related to .
The IIR equation is:
The IIR Gaussian filter processes each pixel horizontally and vertically. It is a separable filter; that means the filter can be applied in any order, i.e., horizontally first or vertically first.
So the implementation constitutes from 2 phase . It is possible to transpose the matrix and provide twice execution only horizontal or only vertical manner. But Currently i got an error of ‘use permutation instead of transpose’ . Then I implemented the both horizontal and vertical manner.
Prof. Deriche uses Infinite impulse response filter form;
The filter optimizes the Canny criteria. As is evident from the preceding formula, the most effective filter is obtained when the value of omega approaches 0. Such filter then uses the formula:
Some useful informations :
Coefficients :
Formula for first derivative ;
It’s just the difference between subsequent values and measures the rate of change of the function.
The formula for the 2nd derivative;
Simply takes into account the values both before and after the current value.
The formula for the Laplace;
where 1st partial derivative in x direction is defined as ;
where 1st partial derivative in y direction is defined as ;
Gradient of an image is defined as ;
First Stage [Horizontal];
Second Stage [Vertical];
Monday, February 22, 2016
Fight for Environment : Holding Their Ground Against Oil & Gas Pipelines
Kanada'dan bir ornek paylasmak istedim. Hikaye biraz benzer, biraz farkli. Yore halki aborjonler. Yani orada 100 yillardir yasiyorlar ve Canada hukukunda, aborjinlerin topraklarindaki projeler icin onlarin da ayni fikirde olmasi gerekiyor.(Keza Amerikada da ev yaparken projeni komsularina onaylatmadigin taktirde ev yapamiyorsun). Tartisma cok acik, hukumet yer altindan gaz ve petrol borulari dosemek istiyor. Buyuk capli proje. Fakat bolge sakinlerinin onayi yok. Cunku onlarin temel gecim kaynagi somonlar ve yaban mersinleri, dogadan ilac uretiyorlar ve 100 yillardir yasadiklari yeri korumak istiyorlar, cunku eger boru hatti gecerse, o bolum ellerinden alinmis olacak, balik populasyonu ve cevre de etkilenecek. Benim dikkat cektigim nokta nasil iletisim kurduklari. Elbette ki insanlar arasinda en ufak bir siddet, olumsuz davranis yasaklanmis. Yasalarla da detayli bicimde tanimlanmis. Ceza belli. Dolayisiyla polis asla siddete yeltenmedigi gibi, yore sakinleri de polise karsi kontrollu davranis sergilenmesi konusunda birbirlerini bilinclendiriyor, yasalarda ne sekilde tanimlandigini birbirlerine hatirlatiyorlar. Polis ile iletisim mukemmel, iki tarafta yasalar cercevesinde birbirini uyariyor. Polisin yaptigi daha cok surekli bolgeye girip rutin kontollerde bulunmak.Halk, polise, malum sirketin calisanlarini getirmelerinden suphelendiklerini soyluyorlar ve polis de isini bitirip geri donuyor. Sirket yetkilileri surekli gelip ayni soruyu soruyor, baslamak istiyoruz. Helikopterle gelen sirket yetkililerini goruyorlar, yasa geregi ayrilmalarini soyluyorlar, sirket dönüyor. Sonrasinda , sirketin proje lideri ayagiyla gelip konusmak istiyor. Lider bolge sakinlerine, projede calisarak gelir elde edecebileceklerini soyluyor ve bolgeye girmek istediklerinden bahsediyorlar(Tutun ve su ikrami var), istemiyoruz deniyor donuyorlar. Son durum sirket alternatif bolgeyi projelendirmeyi reddediyor ve yerlilerin yasadigi bolgeye dogru boru hatlarini dosuyor. 2030 a bitme tarihi verilmis. Sonucu ne olur bilemiyorum. Fakat dikkat cekilmesi gereken nokta , hukuk herseyin uzerinde ve hukuk sistemleri insan temelli. Ekonomik gelisim her devletin arzusu, fakat insanlarin varligini tehtit etmemek, onlarin kultur ve yasam alanlarini kucaklamak da gorevi. Sorunlarla ve aksakliklarla basa cikma yontemi bence bir toplumun oldugu kadar bir devletin de karakteridir.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Dunden bugune #Cerattepe (Au-Cu) projesinin resmi kaynaklar ve riskler esliginde analizi
Asagida resmi kaynaklari referans alarak durumun ciddiyetinden 11 buyuk risk esliginde bahsettim. Faydali bilgiler mevcut. Bugun icinde, projenin yabanci sirket ihalesi donemindeki kapsam ve calismalarini yabanci dokumanlari kullanarak yayinlamayi dusunuyorum.
2002 TBMM Maden Arastirmalari Raporu & CED Raporu referansli TMMOB CERATTEPE Aralık 2014 Raporu .
Soru 1: Maden alaninin konumu neresidir ?
Cevap 1: Üretilmesi planlanan Altın ve Bakır Madeni İşletmesi, Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde Artvin ili, Merkez ilçesinin sınırları içerisinde, Cerattepe mevkiinde yer almaktadır. Maden, Artvin şehir merkezinin kuş uçuşu yaklaşık olarak 4 km güneybatısında yer almaktadır. Proje sahası 1.700 m yükseklikte bir zirvede vedik eğimlerin, kısa mesafelerde aşırı yükseklik değişikliklerinin bulunduğu çok engebeli bir topografya içinde bulunmaktadır.

Soru 2: Siyanur yontemiyle altin nasil cikarilir ?
Cevap 2: Ilk fotograf,TBMM raporunda bahsedilmis yontemi anlatiyor.
Soru 3: O gunden bu gune altin arama ve cikarma teknikleri nasil degisti?
Cevap 3: Hic bir degisiklik yok. Tek method siyanurle cikarmak. 2002 de bahsedildigi gibi siyanurle karistirilmis toprak atik barajlarinda toplanacak.
Soru 4: Bu yontemi riski varmi?
Cevap 4: Atik camurun siyanurden ayrilmasi mumkun degil. Siyanurun atik barajlarinda biriken atik topragin yuzeyinden, kuru havada buharlasmasi bekleniyor. Siyanur solunmasi durumunda, dokunumlasi ve icilmesi durumunda olumcul derecede zehirleyici, suya karistigi halde tum canlilar icin oldurucu.
Soru 5: Artvin ikliminde kuru hava etkili midir?
Cevap 5: Artvin'in iklimi Karadeniz iklimi dir. Kıyı kesimlerinde ılık ve yağışlı iklim tipi egemendir. Artvin merkezinin de ılık ve yağışlı bir iklim tipi vardır. İlin yüksek kesimleri diğer Karadeniz bölgesi illerinde de olduğu gibi kışları kar yağışlıdır.
Soru 6: Artvin icin riskler neler nelerdir.
Cevap 6:
Risk 1: Ikinci resimde gorulecegi gibi cok yakininda deriner baraji asagidaki miktarlarda su kapasitesine ve su akim miktarina sahiptir.
Bunun disinda yer alti sulari yogun olarak mevcuttur. Bu nedenle Coruh, dunyada debisi en fazla degisen nehirler arasindadir.(Baraj insaatinin baslangic asamasinda, yer alti sularinin da etkisiyle hizlica biriken suyun baraj govdesini patlattigi bilinmektedir.) Ozellikle Kafkasor bolgesindeki sondajda muazzam derecede su cikmistir. Ucuncu resimde bolgenin su haritasi gorulmekte ve coruh ile birlesmekte.
Yağış Alanı:18.389 km²
Yıllık Ortalama Akım:4,84 milyar m³
Depolanan su: 1 milyar 970 milyon m³
Ozet olarak, gerek yagisli iklimi, gerek yer alti su kaynaklari, gerek kar yagis orani ve yuksek nehir debisi ile. Topraga karisan siyanurun buharlasmasi ihtimali zayif olmakla birlikte, baraj ve dogal kaynak sularina karisarak, cok yuksek oranda suyu kirletmesi kuvvetle muhtemeldir.
Risk 2 : Maden alani hakim tepe konumundadir. TMMOB nin maden muhendisleri birligince de bahsedildigi gibi.
Egim %90 olan bir tepedir. Heyelan riski yuksektir. Agaclarin kesilmesi toprak kaymasini kolaylastiracaktir.Cunku, toprak tipi orman topragi olup, toprak derinliği ise 50-20 cm arasındadır. Sahanın en önemli problemleri eğim ve erozyon zararı ile toprak yetersizliğidir.
Patlatma islemleriyle yer altindan tonlarca toprak cikarilacagindan heyelan ve kayma riski cok yuksektir.
Risk 3: Cok yuksek oranda agac kesimi.
Buna göre; izin istenilen 31,8 hektar alanın tamamı orman
sayılan alanlar üzerindedir. Söz konusu projenin tamamına
yakını orman arazisi niteliğindedir. Yeraltı üretim yöntemiyle üretim
projesine göre yeraltı maden işletmesi nedeniyle 50.300 adet ağaç kesilecektir. Yapilan aciklamalara gore 70 hektarcik alana cikmis bu defa izin bolgesi,artik 5.000 agac yalanina inanlari allah affetsin. Ayrica Kefi minerals den yapilan lisans satisi 243 km2 yi yani 24.300 hektarlik alani kapsamaktadir.
Risk 4 : 600 metre mesafede uluslar arasi koruma listesinde ki milli park bulunmaktadir. Bu milli parkin gerek essiz bir flora gerek se vahsi hayat barindirdigi unutulmamalidir.Bolgedeki canli cesitliligini dogrudan tehtit edecektir.
Risk 5: Siyanurun tedarik veya boru aktarim asamasinda sacilmasi.
Bergamada atin madeni siyanur kazasi uzerine cekilen videoyu izlemenizi tavsiye ederim. Raporda madenin son teknoloji ile donatildigi yalani mevcut olmasina ragmen duyduklariniz sasirtacak.
Borulardan birinin patlamasi sebebi ile siyanur dereye akmis, sirket #EtiHolding yetkililerinin gizlice dere yatagini temizleme calismalari yapilmis. Sonrasinda bu olayi kesinlikle kabullenmeyip sahte rapor urettikleri biliniyor. Derenin kucuklugu ile ucuz atlatmislar. Oysa Artvinde benzer bir durumda siyanurun topraga ve yuksek oranda suya cok kolay karismasi sozkonusu. Karistigi durumda ise topragi temizlemek imkansiz.
Risk6 : Sonradan agac dikecekleri iddasi,
Bergamada altin madeninin atik toplama barajlarinin ustunde zeytin agaci ekimi yapilmistir. TBMM nin raporunda siyanurun toprak gubresi oldugu , son teknoloji ile temizlendigi belirtilmis. Fakat komik olan bolgeye ekilen agaclar 15 yil sonra bile,1 yasinda gibi gorunup verimsiz kalmis. Ayrica kuruyan agaclarin yerine sokum dikim yapmalarina duzenli olarak bakilmasina ragmen. Yani dogada bulunan cok az miktarda siyanurun azotla birlesip gubre gorevi gormesini bizim bakanlik cok yanlis anlamis. Resim5 ten okuyabilirsiniz.
Risk 7: Kanser vakalarinin gorulme sikligi
Bergama videosunu izleyecek olursaniz gorusulen kisilerin neredeyse tum yakinlari kanserden olmeye baslamistir, daha once koyde hic kanser vakasina raslatmasina ragmen.
Hatirlatmak gerekirse , Bergama Altin madeni, hukuksuz bir sekilde calistirilmaya baslanmis. 20 yillik mucadeleye ragmen donemin basbakani Mesut yilmaz ve kabinesi mahkeme kararini Artvinde oldugu gibi gibi yok saymistir. Bergama halki, Avrupa Insan Haklari Mahkemesine dava acan halk 3 yillik surecten sonra ciddi bir tazminatla birlikte davayi kazanmistir. Fakat ne yazik ki doganin yikimi baki kalmis.
Risk 8: Madenden cikarilip atik haline getirilecek tum toprak atik barajlarina doldurulacak, madenin icinetamamen dolduracak sekilde puskurtme beton dokulecektir. Kaynak sularinin seviyelerinin dusmesine sebep olacaktir. Ayrica Bergamadan gelen yorumlar, maden sirketinin bir sure sonra cekip gitmesi, maliyetli oldugundan topragi tasimamasindan ve tahribati takip etmemesinden bahsedilmis.Ayrica uzaydan bile gorulebilecek bir derinlikte exra bir atik baraji icin cok derin cukur kazilip, deniz seviyesinden 150 metre altina inilmis. Son resimde 15 yil once dikilen zeytin agaclarini goruyorsunuz.
Risk 9 : Maden alani sehir merkezine kus ucusu 4km mesafede ve yuksek pozisyondadir.
Risk 10: Bolgedeki tek “Artvin Kafkasör Turizmi Koruma ve Geliştirme Bölgesi olan, kafkasor yaylasi ve kayak merkezi islevini tamamen yitirecektir. Ki bugun kayak merkezinin fonksiyonu yasal olarak iptal edildi. Bolgede karakteristik korunmasi gereken agaclar mevcut.
Risk 11: Ikinci bir SOMA Faciasi
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Artvinin ustu Altin'dan daha degerli...
#Cerattepe Artvinde altin madeni istemiyoruz!!!
Biraz arastirdim gecmisini haliyle. 2008 den once iki yabanci sirkete ihale verilmis. 2008 de yarginin iptal kararinin ardindan proje KEFI Minarals adindaki baska bir yabanci sirkete geciyor. Adamlar 2011 de 254km2 yi kapsayan 15 maden arama lisansini Kackar Madencilik San. Tic. ya satiyor. Isin ilginc tarafi su madde,
• 1% Net Smelter Royalty on all future mineral production from the licences '
demek isteniyor ki bu lisanslardan gelecekte elde edilecek 'Net' gelirin %1 ini bu yabanci sirket parmagini oynatmadan cebe indirecek.
Ispati da burada.
Tabi insanin aklina su sorular geliyor. 2008 de iptal edilmis proje icin 2011 de lisans satislari felan devam ediyor. Hatta 2015 tarihli arama guncellemesi bile yaninlamislar. Yani yarginin iptal etmesi onlarin faaliyetlerini engellemiyor. Aci tarafi, yarin birgun olur da katakulli ile bilirkisi raporlari degistirilir, dogaya bir etkisi yok denir, birsuru sahte rapor uretilir, yargi etkisiz hale getirilir de altin madenine baslanirsa, toplam uretim net geliri kolunu bile kadirmayan yabanci bir sirkete gidecek. -ki Ergene nehri gibi siyah akan bir nehre her yil temiz raporu cikarilan bir ulkede siyanur e zararsiz hatta faydali bile denir , beklerim.- Yani okudukca afakanlar basiyor. Maden arama konusunda sen son yetkili konumundaki bilmem Turkiye madencilikteki sorumsuzlugunu , basarisizligini is bilmezligini #Soma ile kanitladi.
Hicbir akilli vatandas ulkesinde ikinci bir Brezilya Maden faciasina izin vermez.
Cunku bu topraklarda su baska hicbir yerde bulamayacaginiz kadar temiz ve el degmemistir.Pardon, yani HESlerden once oyledi. Isin uzucu tarafi yore halki inanilmaz derecede dogaya saygili ve duyarli iken , boyle projelerin bir sekilde hayata gecirilmeye calisilmasi. En ufak bir metal yada siyanur sizintisinda artik, HES borularinizin uzandigi Barajlarda biriken inanillaz miktardaki su bir cirpida toxic olur.Olum sacar. Iki tane milli parkin bulundugundan, uluslar arasi koruma bolgesi oldugundan , sayisiz endemik(dunyada baska yerde bulunmayan) bitki ve yabanil hayvan bulundurdugundan,yogun ormanlik yapisindan bahsetmiyorum bile. Karadeniz bir cernobil gordu, olum sactilar enerji sacacaklarini idda ederek. Yeter taslamayin artik meyve veren agaclarimizi. Yazik!
Artvin, Turkiyenin Isvicresi, cok daha essiz potansiyelleri var. Maden acacaginiza universite acin Artvin'e. 40 yil oncesinde, Turkiyenin en yuksek okuma orani olan sehirden bahsediyoruz, Laboratuarlar acin. Tersine goce tesfik edin, Insanlara kalkinmanin istihtamin sadece barajlarla madenle geleceginin soylemiyle konusma yapan adamlari duydukca aklimi kaciracak gibi oluyorum. Su anda yasadigim yer ormanlari engebesi vs. Savsat ile neredeyse birebir ayni. Fransa bu bolgeye Fransanin Silikon Vadisi misyonunu vermis. Tum avrupadan en tecrubeli bilim adamlari muhendisler, ormanlarin icinde ari kovani gibi kurulmus binalarda gercek Ar-Ge yapiyorlar. O labratuarlarin dibine universite kondurmus, gelecek nesillere dolayli olarak 'bilim adami' misyonu yukluyorlar. Oysa birileri cikmis #EtiBakır benim dogdugum topraklarda, eger maden acilirsa 3000 kisilik maden istihdami olusur, bu bir firsat diyor. Siz cocuklariniza sagladiginiz firsatlardan yukumlusunuz ve cocuklariniza madenci misyonu yukluyorsunuz. Sizin cocuklarinizin alin teriyle cikardigi urunun net gelirini ihale el degistiren sireketlerde dolanmasindan gocunmuyorsunuz. Madenciligi yermiyorum. Ama bilimsel bir gercegi hatirlatmada fayda buluyorum. Dunyada bulunan madenlerin, minerallerin tamami evren(uzayda) fazlasi ile mevcut. Uzay misyonlarina agirlik veren ulkeler ileride maden yuzunden aralarinda savas cikacaginin hesaplarini yapiyor. Biz ulkemizde acaba suradan petrol buradan altin cikarirsam dunya piyasasini etkilerim hayalleri kuruyoruz. Yine birileri, gunesin yaydigi enerjinin %11 inden bile faydalanamiyoruz, dunyanin hedefi, enerjiyi dunyanin kaynaklarini(petrol vs) kullanarak elde etmek yerine evrenden elde edelim, gunesi daha etkin kullanalim hesabi yapiyor. Biz daha fazla HES kurup , ustune yattigimiz topraga ihanet ederek, enerji, buyume, ekonomi bahanesi ile hem tuketimi kirbacliyor , hem de capasite arttirmaya calisiyoruz, Neyse cok konustum. Zaten ulkenin 5 yilda bir hazirlanan kalkinma planlarini okuyup da aglamamak zor. Sahsen aslinda cok onemli olup, icinde bir bilgi barindirmayan, fakat sayfalar suren raporla baska bir yerde karsilasmadim.
Yaylalarda ruzgar gulu ile elektrik ureten buyuklerim, bastigi topraga vefa icinde elinden geleni ardina koymayan, CED raporlarini mahkemelere kosturan abilerim , insallah devam edersiniz, Sevgiler! Bizlerse biriktiriyoruz. Kucaklarimizi doldurup donecegiz buyudugumuz topraklara, vatana vefali tohumlar ekmek icin.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Story of Everything on the Top of a Wooden Plane.
A highly appreciated man and his painting. A man who has the curiosity for the "Story of Everything".
The desire of creating something that has piece of everything! This philosophy would have been inspired only by such a mind; full of passion, endless interests and love.
Some people compares him with some greatest example of the fields such as Michelangelo .... by blaming him to not to give the most successful example of the field. However, to me, thats not the way to understand his outcomes, correctly. His desires were very different compare to other scientists or artists. He is one of the few genius who chose to work out macro scale works and interests. He had been working with several scientific and artistic field. In other words, his passion was not to serve for the fraction of stuff that is only visible to eye such as creating best anatomic approximation of human body as a sculpture. Or creating best architectural device or creating first flying object and so on. H liked the compositions where every outcome contributes to other. So, there is no use of associating his work with some examples of "best well known". In his notes, I read that he was unhappy with the fact that people were suffering with the reason that he is not able to show his geniusity by outcomes, products that he created. Most of the time half. He wrote that he would want to have more time... to give people what they want. But, I think he decided to do what he wanted to do. :)
I do not care if he is best or not. He is "My King of Composition". I really appreciate the great scientists and artists who go beyond what is visible or measurable as well as others who choses to work micro scale.[Thats my definition :) ] These people are the philosopher, mathematician, artist, anatomist, botanist, musician, architect at the same time. This fact is what makes outcomes[products] more interesting. Because they have the piece of everything. From engineering point of view, only the solution makes sense and matters. Too much creativity takes time and bothers people. So, I believe thats the reason he called himself as a 'Italian Speaker' instead of calling as an engineer or painter or whatever.
This documentary is nice to watch. It talks about whether the Mona Lisa Painting is unique or not. It was stolen from museum once. There is another painting that is similar to Mona Lisa but a younger one which is locked in Switzerland now. The main properties of the painting and some processes on it.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Spark Installation to Mac
Last week, during my complex networks winter school, I installed the spark to my Mac. It is a very easy process but there is an error that I want to share.
Firstly, to introduce Spark, it is an engine for large scale data processing. Big data is an example for that. You can code in R, SQL, Python, Scala or Java. Our reason to install Spark was to check GraphX. GraphX is an embedded graph processing framework that is built on the top of Apache Spark.
The main property of GraphX is that data tables and graphs can be used interchangeably. In other words, at any time point, a table can be threaten as a vertex of the graph.
There is two collection which is vertex and edge collection. Mapping and reduce operations are done and made of stages. The drawback is the memory. It has a history preserving method to ignore recomputation of previously done computations.

Ok. So for the installation,
Download the source from Spark.
Ensure Java Home is set.

To set

Then build it with by executing
During build operation I came up with this error.

. Then my professor suggested me to build it with a reliable internet connection and Voila! It works. So, since the build operation takes quite a long time, you can take into account that the connection can cause problem. Firstly, to introduce Spark, it is an engine for large scale data processing. Big data is an example for that. You can code in R, SQL, Python, Scala or Java. Our reason to install Spark was to check GraphX. GraphX is an embedded graph processing framework that is built on the top of Apache Spark.
The main property of GraphX is that data tables and graphs can be used interchangeably. In other words, at any time point, a table can be threaten as a vertex of the graph.
There is two collection which is vertex and edge collection. Mapping and reduce operations are done and made of stages. The drawback is the memory. It has a history preserving method to ignore recomputation of previously done computations.

Ok. So for the installation,
Download the source from Spark.
Ensure Java Home is set.

To set

Then build it with by executing
During build operation I came up with this error.

There are some proposed solutions in StackOverflow.
Each suggests to modify pom.xml with different repository url from repo.maven to repo1.maven. But my referenced repository was already repo1.maven
So, I changed repo1 url to
After getting build success message ,
Ensure localhost keyword is exist in the conf/slaves file.
Lastly start your cluster by executing . / which is located under /sbin folder.
The system will start the master and worker.
The web interface must be available at http://localhost:8080
Then the second issue to me, during execution, because previously I set an SSH rsa_id. System requested me to type the password.
SSH keys provide a secure way of logging into a server compare to password login itself.
For that, you can what you can do is ;
You can follow the instructions in this website,
Author included the rationale of the commands nicely. I like it.
Good Luck :)
Pythagoras Cup (Greedy Cup) filled with Mercury
Yeah, even though sometimes i complain about the mathematical formulas and their inventors while I struggle with some proofs, they are 'reeeally' very useful. This is a cup which is invented by Pythagoras. The basic principle is related to philosophy of live. 'The time, you become greedy to get more and more; you loose everything you have! ' Nice, right. It is more inspiring to me that as a genius he not only worked for mathematics but also thought of fairness and made it touchable! I like this cup. I want to buy one. :)
Afterall, this video proves that nowadays everything can be hacked! See how he does ;)
Afterall, this video proves that nowadays everything can be hacked! See how he does ;)
Friday, January 22, 2016
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Pencil Drawing

Before , i heard that drawing hand is the most difficult part of the body. I agree that so far. But this time I spent more time on the hat. Then the paper destroyed and I gave up. I think I need some tutorials to learn some drawing techniques and lighting. While googling, I realized that Coursera have a bunch of every topic other than drawing. There is one beginners course in Udemy around 12 euros. Firstly I will go for Giovanni Civardi's books. If it does not work, some professional support is worth to take to construct strong basic, either online or offline course. After knowing basics, I believe personal inspiration and practise would be the key asset to go on. Here , there is one of the book about portraits. He has a bunch of book where he talks about shading, hand drawing, portraits and figures. Portrait-Giovanni / Udemy / A Youtube Channel
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Drone Racing !
Drone racing becomes popular so far. It is not gonna take much time to see Drone Racing becomes sub profession of motor racing. Here I want to share some interesting videos. Pretty amazing!
Friday, January 8, 2016
Build Your Own Drone - Part 1 (what's going around)
As a part of my personal interest I have decided to built a Drone. Before deciding, I have done a lot of review in the domain of existing UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).
If you are a newbie like me, the first thing that I can suggest to you is to join the following group My First Drone Beginners Group . It helps to feel that you are not alone. There are a lot of helpful people who can help you at the struggling moment.
First thing that I want to do was building every piece of my drone by myself. Thus, I find it useful to buy a Raspberry Pi2 and 3D print the each printable piece. Existing drones were expensive to me, especially a programmable versions. But if you have a lot of money and do not know where to spend, you can go for a fully programmable DJI Matrice-100 with 3.500 euros cost , or a DJI Phantom 3 between 600 to 1300 euros cost.
My choice is neither of them. I am going to build a DJI F550 like Hexacopter(6 motors). I want a bigger version and decided tonight. If you are interested in Quadcopters(4 motors), DJI F450 style is fine all well.
So I searched for some 3D print methods and sample projects the create my own frame. Just to let you know there are quite a lot online 3D frame print projects where you can inspire from. Following website seemed interesting to me Thingiverse. I like this frame 3Dhubs. But that time, I was thinking of building a quadcopter. But now I will go for an Hexacopter.
As a remark for 3D printing, there are certain things that you should be careful about.
1 )The material (there are types of plastics - strong, on)
2 )The size of the piece that you would like to print wrt printer.
3) Total price. (Existing place charge money wrt time it takes to print material*bigger size counts for bigger time+material cost+guidance*optional)
I did research about 3d print , found a printer as well. The cost consists of material cost, printer usage and if necessary guidance. There was a printer available in my university in use which is cheaper. FABLABs look as good option if you are neither from university nor from institution.
Still 3D print is something in my Drone List. But a secondary goal. I am a student. Thus, I find buying a frame cheaper than 3d printing it. For online shopping Hobbyking and Amazon are good options. At least , I used those ones and satisfied with delivery. I bought a Raspberry Pi2 from Amazon and a Naza M-Lite Flight Controller from Hobbyking. I only had problem with transportation during my order from Hobbyking. I prefered to pay 15 euros for transportation with UPS. But it was a total mess. They destroyed my cargo. In addition to this , UPS bill was included a 30 euro extra tax cost for a 70 euros product.
As a lesson learning you can write it down as ; cheap transportation (airmail - post) does not take the attention of tax chargers. For the small sized cargos , they wont check the cost of product to charge huge tax.
To sum up 3D print part, i suggest to buy a cheap kit or frame online, in the case you have budget constraint.
While I was searching every detail, I figured out that there are 3 level of detail in which a drone owner can be in.
The first one is to do every single detail buy yourself. Buying an Arduino or Raspberry and writing all the code by yourself from scratch. As I read estimated time for that is around 1 year if you don't take it too seriously. Raspberry Pi has an operating system in which you can start to code. Some people suggest this detailed way of working for a painful but robust learning.
Some other people prefer less level of detail and buy a ready-to-fly drone. They suggest to buy a mini drone with 50-80 euros and primarily learn how to fly and how to crash with radio controller.
My choice is mid level detail. I decided to buy a flight controller first. This is to create an autonomous drone. It will have GPS module to provide the capability of location calculation to come back. My preference is to buy each pieces wrt my budget.There is an option to buy a kit which includes each an every necessary pieces to construct the drone.
After ensuring a robust fly, learning some acrobatic movements :) I am going to enhance capabilities and put more intelligence. A camera and some sensors to process environmental information , some machine learning for a better fly then it is cooked :)
If I could achieve all those steps in 6 months, I may approach to write my own flight controller on Raspberry Pi. Before that I want to concentrate on creating an AI Drone. Let's see.
I collected some suggestions with respect to flight controllers.
There are 3 model that I am gonna show.
3DR Pixhawk Pixhawk is very suitable for a robust start. But the cost is around 250 euros just for flight controller.
HK Pilot This is a cheap flight controller that is available in Hobbyking,
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