Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Languages Written from Right to Left

Nowadays , I have started to reading a book about Leonardo Da Vinci (How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci)
and some subjects were explained at the book that I am curious about.The book has not finished yet.But Help me to find an answer about a subject that I curious about.
I have some ideas about why some languages are read from right to left .I start to search I hope ,I will reach an exciting info :D

I explore name of some languages that are read right to left.
Both arabic and Hebrew.and some non semitic languages using the arabic or hebrew alphabet.the languages  such as Yiddish and Persian are written from right to left .Urdu is also derived from Arabic and persian language. Ancient indo-Aryan language binti is written from right to left,ancient Egyptian.
Greek and oldest Latin could be written both languages.

.....An animation about some alphabets.....

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